- #Printable voter registration form texas how to#
- #Printable voter registration form texas full#
- #Printable voter registration form texas License number#
If you move to another county, you must re-register in the county of your new residence. Your voter registration will become effective 30 days after it is received or on your 18th birthday, whichever is later. You must be at least 17 years and 10 months old to register. You may fax your application to 97 or email it to include "Application was faxed" at the top of the application before you mail the original to our office.) Please Note: For a Voter Registration Application sent by FAX or email to be effective, the original application must be submitted by mail and be received by the registrar not later than the fourth business day after the transmission by FAX or email. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2010 REDBUD BLVD, SUITE 102 MCKINNEY, TX 75069 You do not need a witness if you can sign your name. If you cannot make a mark, have the witness state the applicant could not make a mark. Give the name and address of the person who witnessed your mark above the signature line.
#Printable voter registration form texas License number#
Texas Driver’s License Number or Personal I.D.Your voter registration application is open to the public. Gender and Telephone Number – are optional.Mailing Address – If mail cannot be delivered to your residence, give a mailing address.
If you do not have a street address, give a description of the location of where you live. Residence Address – Include street address, city, state, and zip.IF you have changed your name, give former name.
#Printable voter registration form texas full#
Name – Give your full name including first, middle, and last.Indicate by checking the appropriate box, if this application is a new registration, a change of name or address, or request for replacement certificate. Complete questions on the upper right side of application.
#Printable voter registration form texas how to#
If you have any questions about how to fill out this application, please call the Secretary of State’s Office toll free at 1-800-252-VOTE (8683), TDD 1-80. Please complete all of the information on the application. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING APPLICATION FOR VOTER REGISTRATION NOTE: This form is to be used for New Applicants, Changing your Address, or Requesting a Replacement Certificate. Voter Registration Application Form Formulario De Inscripción Del Registro Del Votante Instrucciones en Español